The club publishes a free bi-monthly magazine for the members called "The Mag" and organises a wide
variety of activities such as:-
Spring, Summer & Autumn social road runs, (we find roads that even Sat Navs don't know about!)
A club stand at various classic car rallies, (we laugh at
the British summer sheltering in the club marquee!)
Talks with guest speakers, (on subjects various and some not
even to do with old motors!)
A monthly luncheon club (winter months October to April only) & an annual dinner,
(An army marches on its stomach our members drive on theirs)
Weekends Away,(there's nothing better than touring in an old vehicle and hopefully getting back to your hotel!)
Quiz nights (our members know their weakest link is not in their vehicles engine!)
Annual informal Concours (every member is a Concours judge)
The information published on this website is provided solely for the purposes of electronic communication to club members and other interested parties. All reasonable efforts are made to keep this material up to date and correct. This website complements and in no way replaces the bi-monthly publication "The Mag" for existing MHVC members.
Contact names and telephone numbers of the MHVC committee and editor can be found within "The Mag"
Any errors or omissions on this website can be notified to the webmaster for rectification by using the email address below.
Information is Copyright of the Manchester Historic Vehicle Club Ltd, company no: 5208428 (England and Wales).
Registered Office 26 Edward Court, Altrincham Business Park, Altrincham WA14 5GL.

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Webmaster mhvc@email.com Copyright 2022 MHVC Ltd, All Rights Reserved